Parent Involvement
Families with students in Grades K-8
St. John Bosco is a caring, sharing school community and all of us have an opportunity to be involved!
The purpose of our Family Participation Program is to encourage parent support and involvement from the entire school community. Parent participation in the school is needed to help maintain the high level of excellence found here at St. John Bosco. The participation program is a contractual agreement between the family and school to benefit our most important goal -- the Catholic education of our children. There are ample opportunities for you to share your talents and interests, and also, benefit the school.
Fundraisers, Yearbook, Winter Event, Market Day, Grounds Upkeep, Room Mother (1.5 hours per party), Popcorn Day, Fish Fry (required), Walkathon, Spring Activity, Book Fair, Lunch Time First Aide, Cafeteria Supervisor (supervising students while they eat lunch in cafeteria), Field Trips (2 hours maximum per trip), Head Athletic Coach = 20 Hours, Assistant Coach (1 per team = 10 hours), Head Scout Leader (1 per troop/den = 20 hours), Assistant Leader (1 per troop/den = 10 hours)
If you have other talents or skills you want to offer, please contact the school to make arrangements to earn hours.
Some activities will not count toward your Family's Participation Contract volunteer hours. If you have any questions, please contact the school.
Each family is responsible for arranging and carrying out their own 20 hours of service. Please record your hours on the documentation form that you can obtain from the school office. Every ADULT over 21 years of age, who works, earns hours. If both parents work at an activity, be sure to record the time for both people. The SIGNED Family Participation Program Contract and a post dated check for May 1, for $250.00 is to be turned in to school by August 7.
The deadline for completing the 20 hours is May 1. The completed documentation form with all signatures must be turned in to the school office by May 17th. Your $250.00 check turned in the first week of school will be returned to you or cashed soon after May 17, If it is not possible for you to contribute 20 hours to the school or church, there is the option of a $250.00 contribution. Please note that VIRTUS training is mandated for all volunteers who work with our children in any capacity...this would include Room Mothers, Coaches, Aides, Parent Volunteers, Scout Leaders, etc. Contact Mrs. Blackwood at the Parish Center for Virtus Training dates and certification.