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How to Enroll:
We take time to learn about each child's unique gifts and talents to ensure St. John Bosco School is ready to meet the needs of every student. 

When applying to St. John Bosco, please bring the following documents:

  1. Transcripts are requested from each child’s previous school. If the school year is ongoing, please submit the previous year's report card,

  2. The most current report card/progress report along with the most recent standardized test results. 

  3. Please bring a copy of any IEP/504 plan, if applicable. 

  4. Our school principal will carefully review your student’s records and make the appropriate recommendations for admission. We will call you to schedule a family interview once the initial review of records is complete.

  5. A copy of current immunization records and current physical and vision examinations are required for all new students entering Kindergarten.    Students enrolling in grades 1st – 8th must submit copies of current immunization records. 

Non-Catholics or non-Christians are welcome.   No student is required to become a baptized Catholic or to receive Catholic sacraments.  However, students are expected to participate in all classroom religious instruction, attend Mass and other prayer services with their class.   6-8th grade students attend a spiritual retreat.

Age Requirements:
Children entering Pre-School: 

  • 3-year-old program: must be 3 years old on or before August 1st, toilet trained, and out of any type of diaper or pull-up.

  •  4-year-old program:  must be 4 years old on or before August 1st, and completely toilet trained.


Children entering Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old on or before  August 1st
Children entering 1st grade:  Must be 6 years old on or before August 1st.  

Admissions of students to other grades will involve the age of the student, and the ability of the student to complete the curriculum.  The principal has the authority to determine the placement of these students.  Prior student records will be part of the decision process.

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